Simple Pleasure
Simple pleasures are experiences that are positive, and usually emerge in everyday settings. They are highly personal, meaning what is simple pleasure for you may not be a simple pleasure for others.
“The greatest pleasure in life is doing what people say you can not do.” — Mervin Praison
“The simplest things in life such as a smile… A hug… A kiss… Holding hands… Are priceless treasures… Enjoy the simple things.” —
The greatest challenge in life is to be our own person and accept that being different is a blessing and not a curse.” — Unknown
Live as you are! Love as you like! Never compare with others at any cost! Never compromise! Never look for shortcut methods. Struggle your best. It has its own value. Be simple and humble. Honesty is the best way of approaching. Do your best! Give your best! Hope for the best! You will get the best! Believe! Belief gives everything. It is as simple as that. I like it! I love it! I enjoy it! I prove to myself that I am a successful individual. A satisfied person is better than a successful individual. Success is a journey not the destination. It is always better to compare with your past performance and try to improve on your own. It gives great relief. It makes you to learn and earn experience through various means. That is your real growth. It gives more pleasure than anything else. Be happy and enjoy your journey. Try to help people at your level best in given circumstances with the available resources. That itself will give the pleasure. It comes out of your satisfaction. Satisfaction plays a key role in real life. It gives good health. Health is better than wealth. If you are healthy, you can contribute better and the best. Plan well and implement it in an innovative and dynamic manner to move forward with great zeal of enthusiasm to put a step forward to reach miles and miles in your journey. Life is like a journey. Enjoy your journey. It is in our hands how to feel, prepare, plan, execute, improve to evaluate and appreciate your own skills gives scope to rectify if required and proceed further to grow and prove yourself to reach the milestones one by one over the next. Keep on doing. Never stop in the middle of your journey. The river will never flow in reverse. The bird will never compromise. Be like a bird. Be like a river. Be like a successful individual. Be an enthusiastic learner. Learning is a lifelong process. Learn and earn knowledge as much as possible. Knowledge is more powerful than materialistic world. Nothing is permanent. Everything will change. Change is a must. It is mandatory. If we do not change, change will chase us. Be realistic! Be responsible and answerable for your own actions. Be trustworthy. Be as a human being. Behave as human. Human values are utmost important. Humanity is livability. It creates the values. It sets the rights. It generates the power. It inspires and empowers us in so many ways. Ways and means are part of the process.
Thanks a lot Kaka Lam!
Thanks a lot Karen Louise Hodgson!